

A great triumph for Rafał Blechacz.

Just as three weeks ago, at the Chopin Competition, the public has received his rendition of the Chopin’s e-minor Concerto very enthusiastically. (...) Blechacz has dazzled with self-control, precision and perfection. He played impeccably and fascinatingly. Once again he had us admiring musical maturity clearly above his age. This music was played by an artist devoted to the music in his entirety. He had three encores, a thrilling Polonaise in A-flat Major, his favourite; the D-flat Major Waltz op. 64 no. 1, and a Mazurka from Op. 56.

Anna S. Dębowska (Gazeta Wyborcza, 12.11.2005, review of the Warsaw Philharmonic appearance on 11.11)